Smile, to melt my heart.
it's 2:46:24AM and i am wide awake! too awake.

The most interesting thing that happened recently will be Ultimate Frisbee and how MOTHER BUY RICE won third place, despite having the most girls hahahaha it was a joy playing with them and i think we are going to have a good feast with the money we have (:

It's back to the usual walk to Westmall and back home for driving lessons. For at least 2 more weeks. Till my next driving test on 24th feb. Please let me pass?

Oh i went to the temple and u know, shake the thing to get the lots regarding my driving test? And guess what! The lot says "The road is narrow and the horse is lame. The must is broken and the ship is wrecked" heee this is a sign i shld just give up passing driving.

ITWC / Singapore Open 2009 was an eye-opener cos.. it was cool to watch the pros sail and go really really fast. Adrenaline rush. They were kinda fast that I failed to record down some of their positions when they pass me hahaha sorry, eyes too small. & being out the entire day in the hot sun on the boat is a test of my ability to burn.

Oh i signed up for Adidas Sundown 2009 and I think I might be crazy or outtamymind when I allowed Belinda to signed up for me. 10km? I cant even rmb when i last run 2.4km. Maybe 2.4km on my sail during windsurf? hahaha It's in May so i still can train... if i can bring myself to put on my running shoes.

New hobby? SWIMMING!

Prelim's coming and time to start mugging all over again.

(Check- Sleepy-ness status: Still Low)

Eyecccaaaandddddy #1 found hahahaha

time check: 3:01:16AM. time to try to sleep!