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so we are at the crossroads
But I can feel my heart open againIt's opening for you Just come in, and love me back That's all you have to do I must ask you one small thing Before we kiss and part Please be nice and kind to me I'm tired of broken hearts |
X I N Y I 23o689 speak
shuling liyi w4tchou7 biwei richard weiling minyu roseline weihong foursevener SJAB fel huihui jjcians lixin jane tommy esther jasmine tzeling qingling roui mayching 06A02 06A02 isabelle germaine yvette jishen 06A03 eunice vithiya archives
Design: doughnutcrazy |
You're my Sunshine after the rain
finally, i've time to upload the 444 ( I deleted some senseless photos)! & to save all your computers from hanging, I will compile the photos!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() All the presents! 1) Zhiwei's Famous Amos Cookies (: 2) Fujifilm Instant Mini 7, Helium Balloon & Esprit clutch from Wenlin, Biwei, Liyi, Chermaine, Shihhan, Jialiang & Xueyuan. <3 style="font-weight: bold;">3) Yvee's Coach wallet. Though i just got a wallet, BUT I WILL STILL USE IT (: it's pretttttty! 4) Me-to-you Bear thing from LunLun. His handwriting is damn funny. fancy a 5yr-old writing "Happy Birthday". 5) Gift set from Body Shop from Puiyin, Junling & Nicole (: 6) Hair Lotion from Mathani, Celestine & Kuinoi (: 7) Monopoly (Boutique Edition) from Marucs & Jishen. Pretty! It is so girl-ish, so un-me but i still love it! Mum insists on not opeing it with cos 1) I wont have time to play 2) it's very pretty 3) i shld save for my grandkids nx time. 8) Winnie balloon + Havi + hand-made card from Lixin! 9) Chocolate from Keith, Vik & Simon (: it was very yummy, i could not stop eating them haha 10) Handmade photo + notes from Isabelle, Jo, Eunice & Germ (: Blah, got one damnnnn unglam photo! 11) Handmade notes + Box + card from HUIJUN :D 23/6/08: Sentosa with huijun & lixin! We went UNDERWATERWORLD, DOLPHIN LAGOON AND TOOK CABLE CARS!! FELT LIKE TOURISTS :D too many photos to upload, as usual. ![]() ![]() Finally, it was Dinner with my two fave BFF, and pictures speak a thousand words :D xoxoxoxo ![]() ![]() thanks everyone for the wishes, thanks everyone for attending my party, thanks Huijun & lixin for going to sentosa with me to satisfy my "tourist-craving". Thanks Dev & Yvee for the dinner + cake (: I am so going to miss the routine of treating each other for dinners for our birthdays :( I felt like a kid on my party, being the centre of attention, behaving like kid & being excited with the cake & opening of presents! Such thrill.. I will love to do it again, but it wont be fun if it's done often haha & of course, the teasings never stopped, eh? Even in front of my Mum. Thank God she din ask me anything about it haha Junling: hahaha whatever man, i would love to go back.. and teach the indian boy HAHAHA i think we successfully scared that ah pui fren away hahaha Good triumph over evil. HAHA TTYL
whooots, I HAVE 452 PHOTOS TO UPLOAD!that's only 1.5 days worth of photos. Dont ask me how i managed to take so many, man. Really. btw, i had a whoooooooooping birthday party at Mac at KAP & another whoooooooping day out at Sentosa with HJ & LX & plus an ultra whoooooooooping dinner + cake with two whooooooooooooooooping best friends! I HAD A WHOOOOOOOOOOOOPING BIRTHDAY! It was really great, will upload the MANY MANY MANY photos real soon (: To lau ah pui fren: I dare you to leave your real name. if you dont dare, GET LOST. & this will be the last time I am going to reply to you, because seriously, i dont give a damn about people who are COWARDS. Get real, grow up, grow fat, grow UGLY. ii hoopee euu undersstandd watt ii wrotte, sincee euu tokk liike tiis. soo diisgustingg worzxz. SCREW YOU.
who on earth is ah pui fren?!helloxx, mii frenz dontt tokk like tis. who are euu, tis ah pui fren?! I maybe PUI, but freak you, just bloody leave your name pls. Annoying. Grow up. But whateveeer, 3 more days. COUNTDOWN (: Awaiting for Sunday to come. Cant wait to have fun partyyyyy haha BTW, i managed to pass my Basic Driving Test. No big deal i know, but the fact that i only can get 5 mistakes out of 50 Qs..scares me hahaha WOOHOO HJ, Advance theory in Aug, here we come! Aiwei, thanks for your NewYork NewYork treat! I want Imperial next time haha In the end, i din chop of my locks. NO guts. Buy me short hair wigs for my bday, i might be able to choose one fave style and cut it haha Haven got letters... i am quite dead. CHOP
i am going to chop of my locks of hair later.
Egg-cited :)
Among the midst of SHIT that happened, i found things to be happy about!I won 4 NDP Actual Days tickets!!!!!!!! I WON THEM THROUGH THE BALLOTING. WHAO YES MAN. MAC PARTY is comingggggggg (: Haven finish writing the invitation cards. So eggggg-cited to send them out! Tell me you're egg-cited to receive them okay. Ytd, Zhiwei bought me down to his workplace, all determined to join since that is a flexi work, then aiya. shit happens all the time. trying to sort that out now. Thanks Zhiwei, you're really of a help and really appreciate everything & of cos your nice colleagues (: But anws, thats is not the main point. I want to say, i took this Aura photo, which can predict your future for the nx month or so. So i took it, turn out, my whole photo was covered in RED, with yellow & a hint of pink. HAHA normal people have 7 colours, i 've only..3 :/ RED: My rashness to do things! & insufficient rest. YELLOW: Wealth. But since it was covered by the red, means i see $$$ but somehow, i cant seem to be able to get it. Quite true. I HAVEN GOT MY TUITION PAY FOR 2 MTHS THANKYOU. %^%#$%$&&($$%#$%# PINK: SOMEONE GOT A CRUSH ON ME. HAHA i laugh until duno what pls. Really. Like real. Isabelle, Germ, Twin, Jo, Lixin: Anws, George might have more voulunteering stuff for us to do! Hopefully with kids!!! (: I dont know why, i am still so happy, despite being without a place in Uni. oh btw, SIM HOLDS INTERVIEW LOR. Annoying. I guess i signed up too late, hence have to give inerview to the limited places left. Which happens to be tml. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA TAY WENLIN! we will get through this shit tgt, we're already half way, my dear :D HJ's out of town, Yvee's out of town too. Maria also! Dev shld be back today i think.. COME BACK SOON MY DEARSSSSS :( I want to do my eyebrow... & manicure & pedicure all for my partyyyy! & waste alot of unnesscary $ on those hahaha plenty of <3, I feel it. Patience
Day Camp is over!I enjoyed it, though I just wished I had more time with the kids ;( They're so cute, swear sompa! Yes lixin I know, the facilitator is cute too. SJ ALL THE WAY. for you. One kid asked me: Ms Xinyi, are you coming to kite flying this friday? Me:Erm.. if you want me to go, i will go. do you want me to go? Kid: *paused* yes! yes! *grins from ear to ear* Awwww, so sweet righttttt. another kid, Bryan, because he misbehaved, the coordinator refused to let him go for the kite flying. So everyone left the room, i sat nx to him. Ask why he did not join the rest in the next game, he explained with a super sad face that Mr George is not going to let him go for the kite flying. Then he started crying :( I can see he really really want to go damn badly la. After much persuasion, he started to join the rest, on the note that he must prove to Mr George that he deserved to go kite flying. He went out, still looking grumpy & sad. Then I said: "Come on, you have to prove that you deserve to go! & by that, you have to smile, Bryan!" Guess what, he gave me this broad smile & started to play like his old self. Then after that, he kept telling me how he scored a goal! For those 2 moments, I felt that all the effort was worth it, & I wished I really can join the kid that i "promised" i am going for the kite flying. & also, through this camp, worked w the girls & guys I never worked with before! Saw strengths of them, which are sometimes my weaknesses, so I guess it is a good balance (: Here are some pics. Too lazy to upload all. These are the cutest of them all! ![]() ![]() We did telematch! ![]() Lixinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! ![]() Eddie looks bloody cute in this! ![]() OKAY SO CUTE. REPEAT FOR NX TWO PHOTOS. ![]() Eddie! haha If only he is 10 yeras olderrrrrr. He's only p3 now. ![]() Siti looks soooo cute! I swear, she is really the cutest girl I have seen. Makes me smile just by looking at her! & of cos, M is cute as well. His face, classic. Good one, Isabelle. that's about it I guess. I am just not too sure who am i supposed to ask to the party. I think everyone is welcome to come, but i will offically invite (aka, with Mac invitation card) up to 15 person. Cos IT IS GOD-DAMN EX. $7 PER PERSON. But i still want to have it anyways. The rest, most prob the guys, will be semi-invited. Cos i dun think they want Happy meal, Presents, Games & party hats. Right? I will hand write those invitation, I guess haha The last thing I want at my party is to have people feeling bored :( So all in all, everyone is invited, unoffically! HAHA i will post up details of it here soon, when I have it. just randomly drop by, I dont mind (: The more the merrier. Just dun expect food. In any case, everyone is to come w a full (note: FULL) stomach. Unless you want to diet. |