so we are at the crossroads
But I can feel my heart open againIt's opening for you Just come in, and love me back That's all you have to do I must ask you one small thing Before we kiss and part Please be nice and kind to me I'm tired of broken hearts |
X I N Y I 23o689 speak
shuling liyi w4tchou7 biwei richard weiling minyu roseline weihong foursevener SJAB fel huihui jjcians lixin jane tommy esther jasmine tzeling qingling roui mayching 06A02 06A02 isabelle germaine yvette jishen 06A03 eunice vithiya archives
Design: doughnutcrazy |
Hello, looking for volunteers (read: V O L U N T E E R S = NO PAY = NO $$$$$$)! To plan & run a day camp (9 to 5 kind of timing) on second week of june for ard 20-30 primary school kids. 3 meetings or so to plan & finalise the activities. One-day event. Fun & creative people wanted! Anyone interested, pls leave a tag or sms me @ 932 777 92 Thank you!! once again: read: V O L U N T E E R S = NO PAY = NO $$$$$$! i need my fix of papudddd, dev & yvee! OMG, MAYDAY CONCERT WAS OMG-FREAKING-GOOD (: (: (: Bloody Hell, I din manage to get a goooood shot of GUANYOU (if i spelt his name right hahaha)! Cos he's the drummer sitting at the back + I am not sitting right in front of them :( But it's okay. My seat is good! Near the sky-stage or whatever it is called. HUIJUN & TZEL: I hope you two have a goooooood feast, staring at your fave MAYDAY &&& AHSHIN :D My arms are aching, from the waving of arms throughout the concert (: I love it, worth the $111 I paid! I like how they got the audience to move with them, sing with them, interact with them (: (: AIWEI & HUITING: we shld do this again! hahaha aiwei, you need to raise your hands HIGHER HAHA (: & huiting, if you're by slim chance reading this, thanks for the offer & your brother for the ride home (: save a huge huge bit on bloody expensive cab fare. Aiwei, no more NYDC anymore. It was sooooooo bad :( Time to start saving up again. Money woesssssss. Shall isolate myself for this whole coming week, except Sat w aiwei & class BBQ (: HELLO EARTHLINGS, I AM BACK FROM NZ! Well, actually, i am back for a few days alrdy, just too lazy to blog & upload those 1million photos we took on the 8 days trip. So, the sole purpose of this entry is to upload photos & more photos & even more photos! I just want to say, NZ is bloody fun. It is so peaceful & quiet & slow-paced, I would love to live there (: Everything is so pretty there, the houses, the mountains, the air, the clouds! Just about everything. Except that it is a tad bit tooo cold for my liking. + we din wear any thermal clothings so, ultra cold haha I love the houses. they are so prettttyy & so dreamish, la (: I have hashbrowns (!!) + scrambled eggs + bacon + cold ham + cheese + crossiants every morning. Happy & excited for the first few days & I got sick of it :/ Lamb, chicken, salmon, very fine dining :D Very cold mornings & nights. No need aircon, need heater haha Flew on a helicopter (or a copper, in their terms) to the top pf Fox Glacier! BLOOODY HELL. VERY PRETTY (: Played with snow & of course, nearly freezed to death. I love it, and it costs NZD240 (!!!!) to fly for half an hour + 15mins on top of the glacier haha But it is very worthyyy (: Had a pretty funny & cute driver. Who will cracks jokes & makes funny comments, but being us, no one answered him :( But well, i did my part by talking to him & I guess I am the only one who talks to him! The tour grp was made up of 40++yrs old married couples. no one seems interested to talk to him. Poor driver. So Mum made me talk & chat with him, since mum dont understand English. On our last day, i was about to give him a good handshke, *thrusts out hand*, then he said: AH, YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A HUG, ARENT YOU? hahahaha had a good laugh + a good bear hug (: He made long journeys very interesting. && temp is ard +/- 10ÂșC over there. Wha, 2 layers of clothes are not enough, 3 layers are sometimes not enough on very cold & windy nights. My face was red red, like those people who live in Artic hahahaha Can die, but it is much better than the Hot Hot Singapore haha &&& I entered a casino! Though I was obviously underage :/I had my glasses + my ponytail + Havis + Puma Jacket. I look kiddy x1000000. But i was still let in anyways. Played Jackpot & obviously din win anything haha Enough said, photos time! && I din get anything back for anyone, except tons of choc + 6kg of golden kiwis (: (: |